Growing up on a farm in the Kent countryside, it was difficult not to carry a child-like wonder for the natural world into adulthood. Although growing up I also witnessed the increasingly unpredictable seasons cause untold misery for my father, as he began to adapt the farm simply to survive wildly fluctuating weather patterns.
My first experience with renewables came on a boat trip to the Thanet Offshore Windfarm as a 10 year old, where I saw some of the formative stages of climate action in the UK. This experience stayed with me throughout my education.
So, after university, when I was offered to join the Wind team here at PACE, I jumped at the opportunity to play an active role in the energy transition. As the first graduate at PACE, I was excited to learn from experienced recruiters that shared my boundless enthusiasm for the environment and to play my part in the industry
Edmonton Competitive Permanent
Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
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