Passionate about clean energy
A photograph of Alex Caceres

Alex Caceres


020 3854 3160

My interest in Engineering started when I was a kid, always being interested in how machines/ inventions worked. This led me to study Mechanical Engineering at university and learn about different forms of energy – this fuelled my passion to be part of the solution towards the clean energy transition. While networking in my final year I was exposed to the world of recruitment, and this opened up an entire new avenue where I could be involved and up to date on multiple engineering projects globally! I was instantly interested in beginning my journey.

I have worked across Scandinavia and Europe helping new companies expand into new territories across different technologies. By matching the best talent to the right company and opportunity I have been able to be a part of renewable energies global growth and can follow the journey of new technologies to bring us closer to a complete clean energy transition.

My Jobs